I needed to reorient myself. I needed to give my life direction.
I figured out those things myself.
If I got myself into this mess, and I was the one who realized it — then I knew that it would be me who got myself out of this funk.
So I set about becoming my own life coach.
My optimism was definitely in the right place, but I needed the right tools for the job. Remember, I was the guy who googled “what is a life coach;”
I’m not exactly an expert in the field.
So I searched for “become your own life coach” and eventually came upon an amazing guide to this exact methodology.
It’s called Be Your Own Life Coach: 10 Steps to a Successful Life by Jeanette Devine.
These 10 steps outlined by Jeanette really helped me identify what was causing my life to feel directionless.
It helped me figure out my own strengths.
It helped me reorient my mindset to figure out both “where I am right now” and “where I want to be”.
Through a series of simple, yet powerful, soul searching exercises.